RTMNU Result 2018 are declared. Students who are waiting for their Yearly and semester results of BA Bsc Bcom BTech MBA MA MCom BCA can check their Nagpur University Result using their exam roll number on the official RTMNU site. Students can also check the statement of marks or Mark sheet. RTMNU Yearly Exams are conducted once a year and semester exams are conducted two times a year. Traditional degree courses like BA Bsc Bcom are based on yearly exam systems on the other hand Professional and Technical courses like BBA BCA Btech MBA are based on Semester exams systems. RTMNU Exam result can be divided into two parts Winter and Summer
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RTMNU Result 2018
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University also known as RTMNU or Nagpur University was established in 4th August 1923. In total it has 4 major education departments namely-
- Faculty of Science of Technology
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculty of Commerce and Management
- Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies
When it was started back in 1923 it just had 6 affiliated colleges and 927 students in total. Since then it has never looked back. It is growing rapidly year by year in numbers of Affiliated colleges and the total number of students. Thousands of students participate in regular yearly and semester exams every year and wait for their RTMNU Result 2018 eagerly. In this article, we are going to list all the latest declared results of Nagpur University to help you get your Winter and Summer results.
Nagpur University Winter results-
Nagpur University conducts the regular semester exams two times a year and declares the result of the same two times. Semester exams can be divided into two parts Winter and Summer. Winter regular semester exams are conducted in December every year and the declared results are called RTMNU Winter results. Semester 1, 3, 5, 7 of BBA BCA BTech etc courses are conducted in December month every month. After the successful valuation of the answer sheets, the University declares the RTMNU Result.
RTMNU Result Summer course-
Semester 2, 4, 6 and 8 exams are conducted in April and May every year. Yearly course of BA Bsc Bcom are conducted at the same time with other professional semester exams. After the exams are done The exam controller department of the Nagpur University send to relevant colleges for valuation. And after the valuation the RTMNU Result 2018 will get declared. Below you can read the step by step guide to check your Nagpur University Result with a separate link.
Guide to check Nagpur University Result-
1- Visit the result page- Click Here
2- On the left side of the screen you will see an option to select from Winter and Summer result.
3- Now select the Faculty, Course name, Enter roll number-
4- Now click on View Marksheet button and wait for few seconds.
5- As long as your RTMNU Result 2018 is loading.
6- Download your result marksheet and proceed further.
Important Details-
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Latest declared RTMNU Result list-
- MA English 1st semester
- MA Arabic First semester CBCS
- MA India must First semests CBCS
- MA Hindi 1st sem