MGSU Result 2018- BA Bsc Bcom MA Mcom Part 1 2 3

Maharaja Ganga Singh University MGSU Result 2018 has been declared. Check your BA Bsc Bcom MA Msc Mcom and all UG/ PG course Part 1, 2, 3 results on the official website of the University. The regular yearly exams took place in March and the results of the exams are declared in June 2018 Partial results will be declared in July. If you are waiting for your MGSU Result then you are at the right place to check it using direct result links.

MGSU Result 2018

Thousands of students are waiting for their Maharaja Ganga Singh University Result after appearing in the regular yearly exams and PG Semester exams. Students can get their results by using exam roll number which they were allocated in the exams. Both Regular and Revaluation results will be available on the MGSU Result page. As per the University, the valuation process of the answer sheets are done and Bikaner University Results will be declared anytime soon. Kindly read the result guide to check that.

MGSU BA Bsc Bcom results-

MGSU has a large portion of total students in Undergraduate courses. Every year more than thousands of students appear in the regular and revaluation exams of the MGSU UG Course. After appearing in the exams examinees are waiting for their MGSU Result 2018. Checking your UG Part 1, 2, 3 results are very easy just follow the step by step guide in this article and check your results and download a PDF copy of your BA Bsc Bcom results and proceed further.

MGSU Result MA Msc Mcom PG course-

The postgraduate course which is also known as PG in short is few of the famous course of the Chhotikashi MGSU. Candidates from both University and Affiliated colleges work hard to get good marks with determination they participate in regular Previous and Final year and semester exams and wait for their exam results to come. Hereafter the successful valuation of the students answer sheets University go forward to declare MGSU Result 2018.

Guide to check Maharaja Ganga Singh University Result-

Follow the step by step guide below-

1- Visit MGSU Result page- Here

2- You will see a list of recently declared results.

3- Search for you result in the list and click on the link.

4- On next page enter your exam roll number and click on search button.

MGSU Result 2018

5- Wait for few seconds and download your results.

6- You can also search your MGSU Result using your name. Just select Search by Name option and enter your name and hit the search button.

Important Details-

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List of Declared MGSU Result 2018-

  • Environmental science Semester 1
  • Computer Science sem 3
  • Cyber security sem 1
  • M.A Previous Englis sem 1
  • M.A Previous history sem 1
  • Certificate course in Yoga


  1. Yasmeey May 30, 2018
  2. Kusum June 12, 2018

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