RGPV Result 2018- Engineering Diploma Pharmacy all semesters

RGPV Result 2018 is declared, Students waiting for their Diploma, B.E, Btech BPharmacy Barch ME Mtech MCA semester results can follow the step by step process to check their results on the official rgpv.ac.in website here. Candidates who had appeared in Odd semester exams of 1, 3, 5 and 7 can check their already declared results on the official using their registration number. Diploma students can also check their RGPV Diploma Result on the official result page.

RGPV Result 2018

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya famous as RGPV is located in Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh state. Just like its name suggests Proudyogiki which means Technical is one of the famous Technical University in Madhya Pradesh with many Degree and Diploma level courses in BE Btech BPharmacy B.Arch M.E M.Tech etc. Students looking to make their career in Engineering and Diploma in Madhya Pradesh, RGPV is the first choice for them to get admission. Every year thousands of students participate in RGPV Entrance exams to get admission in various Diploma and Engineering courses of the University. After getting admission they have to participate in the semester exams which happens two times a year. After appearing in exams Boys and Girls wait for their RGPV Result 2018 to check their results.

RGPV Odd semester results-

Semester 1, 3, 5, 7 comes under Odd semester exams. Diploma, B.E, B.Tech B.Pharmacy ME M.Tech MCA are some of the most famous courses of the University. Every year thousands of students participate in semester regular and revaluation exams of the University and other affiliated engineering colleges. After appearing in RGPV Exams they wait for their RGPV Diploma Result, Polytechnic Result, Pharmacy result, Engineering results. The search for all those students ends here. Separate links to check the results are updated for you.

RGPV Result Even semester-

Semester 2, 4, 6, 8 comes under Even exams. Normally RGPV conducts the even semester exams in April month every year and declares the result of the same in July month. If you are searching for your RGPV Diploma Result? If Yes, Then you are at the right place to check that. After appearing in exams candidates search for their RGPV Result on the Internet but they didn’t get to the right place to check that. So, Here at RCC a leading University exam results portal we are going to list all the latest declared exam result of RGPV.

Process to check RGPV Diploma Result-

1- Visit the result page- Click Here

2- Click on the course under the result type Main, Revaluation, Select diploma to check RGPV Diploma Result.

3- On the next page enter your Enrollment number, Select semester, Enter captcha and click on View Result button.

rgpv result 2018

4- Wait for few seconds and download your exam results.

Important Details-

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